F10 Germicidal Treatment Shampoo - 250 ml

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SKU Number

SKU# 6009673133477
  • Brand: F10
  • Germicidal Treatment Shampoo 
  • Size: 250 ml
  • Proven efficacy based on F10SC Veterinary Disinfectant
  • APVMA registered as a veterinary medicine
  • Proven safety with humans and animals
  • Non-irritating to skin no need to wear gloves
  • Broad indication covers wide range of conditions
  • Simple to use
  • Pleasant fragrance rather than pungent odour

A dermatological preparation for the treatment as well as prevention of bacterial, fungal, yeast and viral skin conditions in all species of all ages (except aquatic life).  Not a tick & flea treatment.

F10 Germicidal Treatment Shampoo is a safe and highly effective product for use on dogs, cats and horses as a skin treatment against bacterial and fungal infections, as well as preventing re-infection of these pathogens. F10 Germicidal Treatment Shampoo was found to be effective against both bacterial and fungal pathogens with a contact time of 10 minutes, however three repeat treatments applied every other day is the recommended treatment protocol.

A dermatological preparation effective against bacteria and fungi as a skin treatment and to prevent re-infestation in dogs, cats and horses.

Antimicrobial Action:
The antimicrobial action of the preparation is based upon the proprietary branded F10 compound. The mechanism of action of F10 is derived from those of each component taken separately, in addition to those due to the additive synergistic action of all components combined. At the concentrations in the product F10 has been assessed as giving a >log5 reduction in microbial counts against gram positive and gram negative bacteria, fungi, yeasts and moulds.

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