Zoo Med Can O' Cyclops - 3.2 oz

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SKU Number

SKU# 097612402117
  • Brand: Zoo Med
  • Can O' Cyclops
  • Size: 3.2 oz
  • Fresh Cyclops are “cooked in the can” to lock in nutrients.
  • Excellent for fry and small aquarium fish including Tetras, Barbs, Guppies, Danios, Bettas, Killifish, etc.
  • Also great for small marine fish, invertebrates (including corals) and nano shrimp.

Can O’ Cyclops by ZooMed provides excellent nutritional value for small fish, such as the Biota Captive Bred Mandarin. These preserved copepods are similar in appearance and size to live adult copepods; therefore, encouraging a fantastic feeding response.