Schesir Chicken Fillets with Lamb Jelly Multipack Wet Dog Food - 85g - Pack of 4

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SKU Number

SKU# 8005852143068
  • Brand: Schesir
  • Dog Chicken Fillets with Lamb Jelly Multipack Dog Food
  • Size: 85g, Pack of 4

All the high Schesir quality, with 100% natural ingredients, no preservatives or colorings and only the very best parts of meat of the same quality as those used for human consumption in the 4x85g small doses format: for small breed dogs and for dogs loving taste small doses of different flavors.


Shop more nutritious and delicious wet food for your dog!

Chicken fillets 50%
lamb fillets 4%
rice 1.3%

Analytic components
Protein 10%
crude oils and fats 0.3%
crude fibres 0.1%
crude ash 1%
moisture 86.5%, 45 kcal/100 g

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