AK Cat Products Baby Powder Scented Cat Litter

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SKU Number

SKU# KSA-C-290
  • Brand: AK Cat Products
  • Baby Powder Scented Cat Litter
  • Super clumping
  • Composed of  white bentonite
  •  It does not  contain germs and bacteria due to its high temperature baking, heat treatment and untouched packaging
  • Absorbs bad odors and gives off a baby powder scent when wet
  • Dust-free

This Fine Grained Cat Litter is equal to 5 times of an ordinary cat litter. Its water and odor absorption capacity is very high. It is produced from completely natural bentonite mineral. Does not contain additives. Since it is dried with high heat, it does not contain any bacteria and microbes on it. It is used for a longer time because there is little clumping. It is economical and easy to clean thanks to its clumping. It gives off the smell of baby powder when it comes into contact with liquid.