Labyes Canis Fullspot Endectocide for Dogs from 11 to 25 Kg - 2.50 ml

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SKU# 902011011016
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  • Brand: Labyes
  • Canis Fullspot Endectocide
  • Dogs from 11 to 25 Kg
  • size: 2.50 ml
  • Prevents and eliminates external parasites: fleas, ticks and scabies mites.
  • Prevents and eliminates internal parasites: roundworms (adults and larvae) and flatworms.
  • Monthly topical application.
  • Long-acting: one dose, 30 days of protection.
  • Indicated for puppies from 6 weeks of age or 1 kg in weight.


  • Canis Fullspot is recommended as of 12 weeks old and 1 kg in weight, for treatment, control and prevention of external parasites caused by fleas, ticks and mange mites, and internal parasites caused by nematodes and/or cestodes.
  • Exerts quick, lethal effect on intestinal parasites, while eliminating fleas and intermediate hosts of internal parasites, such as Dipylidium caninum.
  • The treatment is applied in a single dose. The time between applications is 30 days, or in alternated use with Pipeta Protech when internal parasite control is not necessary.
  • Can be used in lactating females, debilitated or sick animals, including those with digestive intolerance.

Route of Administration:
Canis Fullspot is applied spot-on, directly on the skin, in a distribution area from neck to withers, to prevent product licking.


Each 100 ml contains:
Imidacloprid 10.0 g
Moxidectin 3.5 g
Praziquantel 10.0 g
Excipients csp 100 ml