The 2HR Aquarist APT Fix

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SKU Number

SKU# KW-F-120
  • Brand: The 2HR Aquarist
  • APT Fix 

APT fix has been specially developed to tackle algae in a smart way. Especially for treating beard algae (BBA) and most forms of hair/thread/fluff algae. These algae will slowly die.

Dosing Advice
spot dose 1ml per 10L every 24 hours. Although the best way to keep algae out is a healthy mass of plants, it is not always possible to keep it out. Sometimes the filter gets clogged, there is a problem with the CO2 dosing, someone feeds the fish too much or the lighting stays on for too long due to a faulty timer. These shocks (which at first glance seem insignificant) weaken plants and give algae an entrance to strike. APT fix works by bringing the system back into balance by targeting algae at their weak spot. Algae have a poorly protected cell wall. When the recommended dose is applied with spot dose, the algae development stops immediately and plants can recover.

Way1: Remove and drip aquarium water
This method is an effective way to remove algae from hardscapes such as rocks and wood. Empty the aquarium as much as possible, so that hardscape becomes dry. Using a pipette, drop the APT fix on the algae areas. (do not drip directly on plants)

Way2: Filter out and spot dose
This way is preferred. Turn off the filter. Spray APT fix underwater with a pipette or syringe on the algae-covered stones, wood and plants. Don't forget to turn the filter back on afterwards. Do not spray on mosses, liverworts, Vallisneria and other plants with soft leaves. Repeat every 24 hours, area by area.

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