Zoo Med ReptiCare Rock Heater
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- Brand : Zoomed
- A rock heaters function is to facilitate digestion.
- A rock heater should never be the sole source of heat.
- Never cover or bury the rock heater with anything.
Zoo Med's ReptiCare Rock Heaters are made of a hydrated rock material that is twice as strong as cement or pumice, resulting in excellent conductivity and increased product longevity. Hot spots are not a problem with a completely encapsulated full coverage nichrome heating element that distributes heat evenly. Zoo Med's Deluxe ReptiCare Rock Heater features a rheostat control allowing you the ability to adjust the surface temperature.
It is used with all types of Snakes and Lizards including: Boas, Pythons, Rat Snakes, King Snakes, Monitors and Tegus.