طعام جاف للكلاب الحساسة صغيرة الحجم 3 كجم ماركة بورينا بروبلان

في المخزون

رقم المنتج

رقم المنتج# 7613035123809

Some dogs are affected by sensitive digestion, but this shouldn't mean they enjoy their food any less. Research shows that digestive health is the most prominent concern for today’s dog owners, and this led us to develop the PURINA PRO PLAN Sensitive Digestion with OPTIDIGEST range. Carefully cooked to retain the goodness of the chicken, this complete dry dog food is made for small and mini adult size dogs with sensitive digestion. Our dry dog food contains oxidants of natural origin and no added colourants.

Everything we do has the simple aim of helping to improve the lives of dogs and their owners. PURINA PRO PLAN with OPTIDIGEST products are all made with easily digestible ingredients that ease your dog’s digestive process. What’s more, the inclusion of bentonite in this dry small dog food binds any excess water and helps improve faecal quality. Help support their ongoing health with the nutrition in our sensitive dry dog food today.

  • Easily digestible for dogs with sensitive digestion
  • Contains prebiotics scientifically proven to help increase bifidobacterium for a better gut microflora balance.
  • With specific ingredients to help support intestinal health and stool quality
  • Carefully cooked to help retain the goodness from chicken through our proprietary cooking process

Salmon (14%)
Rice (14%)
Dehydrated salmon protein
Corn gluten meal
Corn grits
Animal fat
Soya meal
Dried egg
Dried beet pulp
Dried chicory root
Fish oil
Soybean oil

منتجات قد تعجبك

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في المخزون

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